Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm back!

After a long hiatus I decided that blogging is kind of fun, and the original idea of this thing was not to make you jealous about all the cool places I traveled, but to let you know about my fundraising efforts for Cystic Fibrosis. I have a feeling readership might go down just a tad, and I'm not promising to write every day (or really every week) but a girl needs a way to get her creative juices flowing right? I don't look at a computer screen enough everyday anyway, right?

So here goes. As you see from the picture in my previous post, I got more than double the teammates to climb stairs with me this year than last year! Go Team Aly. I had suggestions that perhaps we could think of a more creative team name next year, suggestions are welcome.

Here's what made me happy about the stair climb:7 of my really good friends came out to walk with me, and two coworkers that I know pretty well even made it too--Rewaks, you can now be my really good friends too! Not only did that many people come climb, I personally raised over $1000 for my climb. THANKS FRIENDS!

It means a lot, since lately I've been struggling with this whole Adult Cystic Fibrosis thing. It gets a lot harder as you get older, and knowing you have support from your friends and family is really important. AND pouring money into research is pretty important too--I stay healthy, raise money, and one of these days they find a cure, which I am healthy enough to take and be, well, cured!

So what's next? On Oct 18th I am giving a speech at the black tie Unmask the Cure Gala. Fancy pants. Writing the speech now, it's tough, I've done this once before and pretty much slayed em, now I am trying to top my previous work--we'll see how that goes.

Then, October 25th we are having a Trivia party at Rogue in SF--Fun times! Drinks, appetizers, a big deck outside in the San Francisco Indian Summer sun and trivia (which I am totally abysmal at, maybe I'll just be the photographer...)

Welcome back AlyTalksAlot. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Successful Climb for a Cure!

THANK YOU to my friends who came out to climb and those who donated!!
From Point B Climb for a Cure