Friday, October 10, 2008

Write Write Write

Let's talk about the fact that writing in a blog about the funny things that happened to you in India, and summing up your life's ambitions in 450 words is VERY different. I really like writing on a blog. Who knows if anyone reads it, but I tend to babble on with some silly story about something I forgot or some adventure I went on, or some fundraiser I am hyping, make a funny comment and add some pictures, presto, blog post.

Applying to Business school is not like that. Writing application essays means every word counts, I can't just type and type till my fingers are tired and weighed down by the massive rings I bought from that funny jeweler guy in Jaipur. I have to calculate what I am saying and figure out what kind of impact my words have, and make sure whoever's reading it won't just throw it in the 'no'pile, or sadder, the 'dull' pile. As a wise man once told me, you are up against people that went to Africa and worked with AIDs patients, what you say has to pop. Ok, I get it. I didn't go to Africa.

But I did go to india, and I do live everyday with a pretty tough disease. I work hard every day to fight this stupid thing, to do my vest, to take my pills, I can write about my life in 450 words. Hopefully those 450 words will just be an introduction. They'll like what they read so much they'll have to let me in....right?

I guess we'll see. If not, at least I am darn good at raising money for CF. Speaking of which, we have our last event of the year coming up! See the cool gadget below--we'll be at Rogue on Oct. 25th, you should join us.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008