Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Who goes to Dubai?

Apparently I do, for the weekend. Aly=jetsetter

My friend Dan, from college, moved to Dubai for work just after getting married this past fall. He and Emily live in this great 1 bedroom apartment in the man-made Dubai Marina. Out there window just about every building is really tall, and still being built.

I don't think I've ever experience culture shock the way I did when I landed in Dubai.
The shock started when I left the Indian Airlines airplane with packing tape on the seats, full of all Indian men and about two women, both in sarees, both with babies on their hips, and headed out to the clean and well organized Dubai Airport. Then I found Mohammed, Dan's driver, thank goodness, since I neglected to get Dan's cell phone number before leaving Hyderabad. Into the shiny black SUV with leather seats and the driver on the left, wait, what? So different, and yet familiar. As we drove into the city there wasn't honking, there were divided highways and tall buildings all around.

Mohammed took me straight to Dan, Emily, Alex, Jamie and some other ex-pat friends of Dan and Emily's. Crowded smokey bar with girls dressed to the nines--whoa. Then I was given a Heineken, I think I squealed with glee. Then it was out to the dance floor where a live band played music created in the last 2-3 years, not 2-3 decades. Not gonna lie, I did miss hearing the Hare Krishna Hare Ram song.

I was the 'band camp' girl pretty much all night: 'Well, in India...' yeah, that was me, but I had to explain why I was so excited about seemingly small things, and why my eyes seemed to constantly be popping out of my head...

Well, in India bars close at midnight, not so in Dubai, we got kicked out at 3:30..and home at 4 yipes!

So Alex, the other Yalie visiting Dan, who I'd met in SF, is quite the go getter. He wanted us to wake up early so we could get in everything, well everything he and his friend Jamie hadn't accomplished the day before (they'd taken the red-eye and arrived friday the morning). We woke up around 9 and headed to breakfast, bring on the carbs and grease please. Then it was off to 'old Dubai' There are apparently some parts of Dubai that are not still being built. First we saw the Dubai Museum which takes you through a life-sized portrait of the way life was in old Dubai, then we headed to the gold, spice and textile souks to look around.

The Souks are across the river from each other, so we got to take a little boat ride in the middle. The boys, unfamiliar with being ripped off, did not know to bargain for prices--I of course tried really hard, but I am not sure the man understood. I'm also not used to talking in currency where you are not dealing in hundreds.

After the souks we tried to have some shwarma, but apparently lunch does not start until 3pm, so we settled for sandwiches with shwarma meat. Completely acceptable.

Off to a little nap on the beach before heading to our desert safari.

So by desert safari, I mean 20 SUV envoy into the desert for an evening of swirling sand, camels, camel poop and dinner complete with belly dancing entertainment!

Fun night. A little manufactured, but definitely worth it. Shared our SUV with some Fins and tried to engage or driver, fat chance. Shared a few funny looks and laughs about his need for us to change seats every time we exited and re-entered the vehicle, as well as his choice of music--shaggy, did you know shaggy sang more than one song?

We also got to watch a really nice sunset

After sunset we headed to the camp they set up in the desert. We got to ride camels!

Getting down is a little scary

In the camp, comfy pillows by tables on the ground, wine, beer and shwarma! (along with falafel, hummus, grilled meat=Aly's favorite foods). I also go to get some more henna. When I called it mehinde to the lady and told her I lived in India she got excited. She grew up in Goa, she got even more excited when I told her I knew where that was and really wanted to go!

Of course there was also aftern dinner entertainment--'traditional' belly dancing. After doing her own dance, the dancer came to grab people out of the audience--and somehow she made a beeline for Jamie, priceless. I barely know him and already have dirt on him!

Did we do enough for you? Wait! the day isn't over yet. Headed back to Dan and Emily's and got a spiffed up for the Burge al Arab. The only 7 star hotel in the world. You can't just walk in this place, you have to have a reservation, and they are serious, they ask for your reservation number at the gate when you drive in. Somehow we managed to have a reservation for dinner and end up at the rooftop bar--good persuasion and story telling skillz Miss Emily! this place was fancy, and showy...

After a few more drinks at Buddha lounge we decided to call it a night, and an end to a really busy day.

Alex and Jamie were leaving early in the morning to head home, I still had a day ahead of me, but dan had to work--that left me and Emily to do some exploring and have some girl time! We slept in and headed to the Jumeira Mosque. We really wanted the tour, but apparently they only give it at 10am sharp, and we got there at 11 (due to the sleeping)...instead we just took pictures outside in what we would have worn if we'd been allowed in

We then headed to the Mall of the Emrites. Again with the culture shock and overwhelmed feeling. Huge mall, fancy, shiny and really nice stores. Tysons corner eat your heart out. Oh, and by the way, there is a ski slope in the mall.

So I didn't totally miss out on ski season this year!

After a little shopping we headed back to Emily's and to the beach. Skiing and beaching in one day, nice work.

Dan Finally met us to watch the sunset and we had a drink and headed for dinner at a great Lebanese/Moroccan place. Yum.

Thanks Emily and Dan for being such great hosts!!

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