Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bangkok Airport

Yeah, that's right, I said Bangkok airport. The crew has now been in the Bangkok Airport 6 times without actually going to Bangkok, yes, one of the times I had a Whopper from Burger King and thoroughly enjoyed it.

This was all within about 6 weeks....Sewatee Kaaaah

The weekend after Dubai we headed to Koh Samui. Beaches, hammocks, Mai Tais etc etc. Not so bad right?

Fun times. I can't even remember now--there were floaties, there was a boat, there was a shark...or two. No don't worry, we didn't see the shark in the Ocean, we just ate him for dinner. The strange thing was, as we were eating delicious grilled shark steak (and baracuda as well) Sharky's head was hanging out on our table. yeah, that's right, Brian, Jason and Steven had picked out which shark we wanted to eat, and then watched as they separated the head from the body (ie chopped it off). They then proceeded to take pictures with sharky's head. They had such a hard time parting with sharky, they asked the butcher (is that what you call someone who cuts fish?) if he could bring the head to our table. Low and behold, he did.

Well, the next day, we hadn't had quite enough shark. So when Priz was bargaining for a charter boat to take us around some deserted islands (doesn't sound so bad right?) The boys bought her a special present...

This was just in case anyone needed help swimming...Sharky was there to save them. He came with us on the boat and took up most of the space in the hull.

That's why we all sat up front...and you could feel the waves better up there!

You know I never liked snorkling untill I did it at Koh Samui. The water was warm, I didn't feel like I was coughing up salt water, and the fish would swim right up to you! I even followed around this rainbowy fish for a little as it hopped from one coral to another.

We also had our own private lunch on an island with the boat. They just kept bringing us food, it was amazing. Thai food is pretty good, especially after being in India for so long (please read Chiang Mai entry for more details).

who doesn't love fried shrimps?

We also got to hang out on our own private beach. Sadly this part of the day was cut a bit short because our captain seemed to think a storm was coming...Umm, or he just wanted to get back home in time for dinner. But, nonetheless, he had a cute kid
and took us to a beautiful beach that we didn't have to share with a single soul!

On our last day we decided to do a litte Island exploring. Saw a really big buddha,

did some shopping,

and ate our way through the local town we walked through.

So while I quite enjoyed Koh Samui, it was beautiful, and we ate great seafood, got a tan and saw beautiful fishes and beaches, I do think I've learned I quite like the exploring and seeing the 'real' version of a place, instead of being a tourist in a resort...We'll file that away for next time.

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