Monday, February 15, 2010

Writing Assessments

In 11th grade TN students must take a TCAP writing assessment. A score of 4, or proficient on this test is required for graduation. Our school has done a practice assessment once a month since November. See below for a sample.

Granted, most of my advisees know these will have no bearing on their grades and could care less...but here goes nothing: (word for word, punctuation-or lack thereof-intact)

Students were asked if they agree or disagree that Celebrities make more money than they deserve.

I disagree because these celebrities work hard for they money and can't anybody say they make more than they deserve maybe teacher don't deserve any money you can't tell somebody who to make they money or what ever the do with they money because its not them and however they make or do with they money its they chose all celebrities deserve every amount of money they make because they work for it like athletes they really deserve every amount of money they make and play hard and if some one say the make to much and want to try to do they job i bet you would be mad if somebody said you make to much money you know you work all day and all night and hard to not make the money you make because I know I would be. Just think about actors. If they act good they deserve they money as well musicians, models deserve they money to all the famous people deserve they money cause the work hard the put effeft in what they do I respect what all the famous people do I respect the money the make I don't think the make to much because they work for there's like teachers work for there's and we not saying teachers make to much just because someone famous people think they make to much well that's not true or right that's why I Disagree!!!

Dear Student,
I am sorry that your school system has failed you. You seem to have good ideas but cannot get them out in a coherent, well-written way. We owe it to you to make it better. I hope it's not too late.

PS-Ask your math teacher the difference between a teacher's salary and an actor, model or athlete's salary. You might be surprised.

-Ms. Sudow

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