Sunday, June 3, 2012

Decisions Decisions!

Ok, I just wrote a whole bunch of fun stuff, and then my computer decided to turn itself off. Apparently the new blogger, while it looks like Google Docs, does not save quite as often as Google Docs does. Sad times mcgee.

Here's a reader's digest version of what I wrote, maybe I was too rambly anyway ;)

Decision numero uno: We picked our venue! That seems like old news at this point, but shockingly, I didn't find time to blog until now. when I needed to procrastinate.

We ended up choosing Nestldown--It's funny how negative I was in my previous post. In the end it came down to not wanting to stress over numbers. Now I am truly excited and enchanted with our decision. It's so unique and gorgeous! Los Gatos is actually pretty adorable and we get a built in wedding coordination helper in the property manager. That's awesome.

Decision dos: the dress! I can't believe it's still a bit over a year to go, but I chose one! Last month my mom was visiting so she, Sally (my mother-in-law to be) and a few friends ventured to two bridal salons in SF to try on dresses. I cast a wide-ish net, despite the fact that I had a pretty clear vision (thanks Pinterest) of what I wanted. I wanted to make sure I had no feelings of 'what if' about my dress.

The first appointment was amazing for getting a good idea of what I liked and what looked good on me. This might sound a little conceited--but I looked good in a lot of them. I mean, that's what wedding dresses are supposed to do right, make you look good? So it was gonna be a tough choice no matter what.

At Marina Morrison, our second appointment, I knew what I liked and was on a hunt. Man o man did I find it! When I put on the Liancarlo gown towards the end of the appointment we just had 'that moment' I felt great, the moms got teary. The best part, I didn't want to take it off! I just kept looking at myself (there's that vanity again). Thing is, it was my first trying on ever AND I still had 14 months to go. So I waited.

Zack and I leave for the East Coast in a few weeks and will be gone until July. I thought it would be nice to have the dress finalized before then, so that when we come back we can start planning in earnest and have that big thing ticked off the list. So yesterday I met my girlfriends for some more dress shopping! I had a great time at Glamour Closet--it's all samples you buy off the rack-you get to put little clips on whatever dress you feel like trying on and then just go for it. If you like it, you buy the thing and walk out of the store with it that day. I found a few I liked, but nothing that took my breath away the way the Liancarlo did.

Then we went to Amy Kuschel. She's a local designer and all the dresses are made upstairs from where you try them on. I love this idea. You also get all your fittings and alterations included in the price of the gown-pretty amazing. Couture feel for not couture price. I liked a few of the dresses there, the Kennedy was a gorgeous silouette and the Rita made me feel like 1940s hollywood. I got scared they might beat out my Liancarlo--but I wasn't sure.

Then we went back to Marina Morrison. I put on 3 dresses while there. The first was a new one they'd gotten in since I'd been in April--it was ok, but didn't totally do it for me. The next was the second place dress the last time, and it was pretty hot. Makes me look a little curvy while also elegant, had some bling and nice details. But I didn't feel relaxed in it. Then I put on my dress. And I knew, within 30 seconds of putting it on, without the sash, without the veil, that this was it. I came out and my friends knew too. I think it makes me glow. I can't wait to wear it for Zack.

Nope, I am not putting up pictures--what's the etiquette there anyway? I've shown it to some friends. I mostly don't want it here so that Zack doesn't see it. A little because I don't want it all over pinterest for people to 'steal'...really though-what do I care? Mostly I want him to be surprised. But I also don't know the etiquette/superstition. Are you supposed to keep your dress choice a secret from your guests until they see you? Does it really matter?

Now I have to wait 4 months to get it! And another 8 months after that to wear it!! How will I ever do that? I am also so bad at keeping secrets I don't know how to not tell Z about it--I get so excited and want to share. I told him the name of the designer, and that he is from Miami--Zack decided it must look like a quincenera dress, purple with peacock feathers and sparkles, and poofy. We'll keep it at that. Maybe it'll throw him off ;)

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