Thursday, August 9, 2007

Why people are afraid to fundraise

So I keep missing committee meetings....uh oh.

I'm in DC, and our meeting is in San Francisco...meeting for the first time in person, and I'm having dinner with Dad instead of meeting about the event I'm planning over Goathill pizza...thank goodness for the internet and gchat ;)

So I think a lot of people don't join committees or do fundraising things b/c they think it takes up too much time. Well, it does and it doesn't, and it depends on your level of commitment. This committee has meetings on Monday nights on the phone every two weeks. We'll start being weekly now that we are closing in on events etc.

As for time spent outside of the meetings--well, I played phone-tag with Bubble Lounge, I looked at the menu (let's be honest, that is the fun part), and I made a cool evite....that's not so bad, right? You can do that....

Oh, and now i have these weird websites where i talk about myself and my fundraising efforts in hopes to raise even more money.

You know why else people don't do fundraisers? They feel bad asking for money. Stop that! Seriously, think about it, when someone comes to you and says, can you spare $10 to help cure a lot of kids of a really nasty disease, what do you say? What if they say, hey, come pay a little extra for a drink and save kids with a really nasty disease? You're all over it right?

So translate that into you being the asker--in the end $500 is not that much money to raise, you have 25 friends right? ask them each for many acquaintances do you have? ask them for 5, see where you get.

Ok, I should maybe go back to work....or, out for happy hour!

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