Monday, October 15, 2007


Ok, so I’ve been a bit of a slacker…more, I’ve been too busy going to Hawaii and then playing catch up at work to do this whole blogging thing…remember, it’s not totally my style.

First things first, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

With your help I personally raised over $2.000.00 which will be doubled by Google, and overall, the first annual Climb for a Cure in San Francisco raised $40,000.00. Not bad for a first time event! And we already have a date saved for next year.

Same building, same set of stairs, September 20th, 2008. Be there.

Ok next, if you are still reading, here is a summary of events since I last ‘blogged’….

1) Cocktails for a Cure:

Here are some pictures: (TK as we used to say when i worked in news)

Mostly we just took your donations, enjoyed the drink specials (maybe a little too much), and raffled off some cool prizes. Then, when the bar kicked us out, a few of us were umm, smart enough to contiue going out in North Beach…necdless to say, that was not a fun Friday at work—but hey, all in the name of a good cause right?

2) the Stair Climb

Picture this, three over-hung humans and one who just got off a redeye climb into a station wagon on a drizzly Saturday morning at 9:00am. They then proceed to find absolutely everything funny, down to the story about the woman on her first plane trip who tried to receive wireless internet from her laptop. Imbibe coffee, bagels, Vitamin water. Discuss how hard it is going to be to climb the stairs, climb the stairs, make it to the top (in TEN minutes thank you), and wander around a vacant office area looking at the gorgeous view.

Wait, one of the hung over humans has disappeared, where did he go? Did he make it to the top? Surely, I mean, none of us saw him turn around.

Aaaah there he is, he’d been hiding in the men’s room trying not to throw up. Queue a large brunch complete with mimosas, and a nap.

So that’s it, we climbed some steps, we raised money for a great cause, and had a ton of fun in the meantime.

Soon there will be a Congratualtions and Thank you cocktail party for the Young Professionals Netowork who helped us get to that $40,000 number.

Now the question is, does this blog thing keep going?

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