Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ambassador to Hyderabad!

I know the primary purpose of this blog was to write about my fundraising efforts for Cystic Fibrosis. But I liked the name of it so much I didn't want to have to pick a new one to talk about my travels. Plus, what better way to showcase how great a job the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has done raising money for life saving research than to give an example of what that life saving research enables. I'm healthy and happy and am not letting Cystic Fibrosis stop me from having amazing life experiences.

So here we go. Google does this cool thing called the Ambassador program, where for a quarter (three months in non-business people terms) a few lucky individuals get to spend time working from an office in another part of the world. Working on best practices and Google culture, increasing communication and just getting to know their team in that office. Google Checkout has a pretty large team in Hyderabad, so for Q1 '08 I get to spend my time working with them!

I've never been to Asia, and I've never lived abroad, this should be an amazing experience. Hold tight, here's my story....

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