Monday, October 25, 2010

Princess La La or some other nonesense

Freshman are squirmy balls of insecure goo, pushing limits and getting really sad/offended when they are called out on it. And maybe, just maybe, I enjoy calling them out on it. Maybe that's what makes a freshman teacher a freshman teacher.

I had 1 student who, when she joined my class, told me that while on my roster her name was Raven Smith (name changed of course), she preferred I call her Princess Nhai Nhai.

I'm sorry what?

Now, it's not 1, but 3, yes 3 girls in that class who feel they are royalty. There is Princess Ro Ro and to top them all off, Queen Shante. The only way to make them stop this nonsense is a) to make them embarrassed that they think people should call them royalty and b) to not grade papers that come in with their names or c) all of the above. Nope, I do not know a Princess RoRo, that paper gets a 0, since I wouldn't know where to put the scores in the gradebook anyway. I only grade papers with real names on them.

I do realize that this royalty complex probably stems from some major insecurity, and perhaps I should not be quite so harsh. But for now it just really pisses me off and I am going to continue calling it silly and refusing to acknowledge said "names." Not even La-A was a Princess La La.

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