Thursday, September 29, 2011

Year 3, PHEW

Thanks to Mere for inspiring me to start writing again. I've been thinking about it, but clearly since my last post was almost a year ago, I haven't exactly taken the time to do it.

I started this blog to talk about raising money for CF. Then I talked about my crazy travels in India, and THEN it turned into Ms. Sudow's rant because she is a crappy teacher and needs an outlet to deal with the crazy kids (not to mention wanted to maybe someday write a book about all of this). In short, this blog has a bit of ADHD. But that's ok. Year 3 in the teaching adventure and things are starting to look up. So here I go, writing about (hopefully) good things.

I have been trying to describe the difference between this year an the two years that came before. I still have a lot going on, I am still working long hours, but I am not longer totally freaking out about it. Planning takes less time, my lessons make a little more sense, and I can grade 90 quizzes in just under and hour. PHEW.

Funny things happen in my classroom. It's been pretty hot in Hayward. I have AC, but I try to use it sparingly since our school doesn't have a ton of money and I hate being cold. So do the girls in their little tank tops and short shorts. I turned it off one day and 20 minutes later I was warm. "See, now I'm hot" I say....queue the funny chubby kid with diamond studs in his ears "Ms. Sudow, it's hot because I'm in here." delivered with the perfect comedic timing. The entire class cracked up. Amazing.

I will think of more later. But for now, I am going to try to be back to this blogging thing.

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