Saturday, August 18, 2007

Successful Kick-Off Event!

Thursday night we had our first event. We had great turn-out, around 35-40 people in our own back room at the Bubble Lounge in San Francisco.

I had to give a speech--usually these things don't really make me nervous, but for some reason, the smaller crowd of peers instead of 'adults' made me a lil' nervous. To top it all off, I didn't have a chance to print out the speech before getting there since I was going to do it on the way, and, as I went to grab my car to drive to kinko's, it wasn't there! Good work Aly, way to get your car towed....

So needless to say I was a little frazzled at the start of the evening. But, in the end, I think it went really well--people seemed pretty moved by the speech (to toot my own horn)-and I even made people laugh once or twice!

So off we go on the way to successfully creating a Professional's Network dedicated to raising money for Cystic Fibrosis.

Here are some pics from the night (apparently my photography skills have gone downhill since I started writing emails for a living):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's important? Ya, world peace. However, let's get real and do something for that's very important.. making CF history along with polio. The San Fran Stair Climb is right around the corner your donation will help make CF a thing of the past.. so instaed of hoping for world peace...donate to CF by supporting the Stair Climb.