Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Phood and Fotos

I definitely thought we'd have a caterer nailed down by now, boy was that an unrealistic estimate!

We started reaching out in July, cast a wider net in August, and are just now getting back all the proposals from various vendors. It was incredibly helpful to have a list of caterers to choose from-I can't even imagine what it would have been like had we just had to do some googling to find caterers in the area. Having a vetted list is key. It's also great that they all know our venue and have worked with Brooke before, such a nice vote of confidence. It's pretty cool how you tell them what you like and what you don't like, and some of the companies can just make these menus that seem like they just read your mind! Pretty excited for tastings....

As for photographers, I honestly thought I would be super good at knowing exactly what I wanted and who I wanted, given my history and lineage ;)...It turns out there are a lot of really talented photographers out there! We've narrowed it down to a few, prices are just crazy, and while you don't want them to be the determining factor, it does make a big difference in terms of working to stay in the budget. We found one photographer whose stuff we really like, and whose prices are great. She is actually shooting a coworker's wedding this weekend so I've told him I want the full report!

Lastly, my style. I'm worried that Pinterest is a double edged sword. It's been so great to look at pictures and get ideas, but I'm scared my wedding is going to end up looking like everyone else's...who wants that? I want my wedding to be as unique as Zack and I are...We'll see, hopefully with the right mix of inspiration and our own innovation, we can come up with some pretty cool stuff. Our friends seem stoked ;)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Decisions Decisions!

Ok, I just wrote a whole bunch of fun stuff, and then my computer decided to turn itself off. Apparently the new blogger, while it looks like Google Docs, does not save quite as often as Google Docs does. Sad times mcgee.

Here's a reader's digest version of what I wrote, maybe I was too rambly anyway ;)

Decision numero uno: We picked our venue! That seems like old news at this point, but shockingly, I didn't find time to blog until now. when I needed to procrastinate.

We ended up choosing Nestldown--It's funny how negative I was in my previous post. In the end it came down to not wanting to stress over numbers. Now I am truly excited and enchanted with our decision. It's so unique and gorgeous! Los Gatos is actually pretty adorable and we get a built in wedding coordination helper in the property manager. That's awesome.

Decision dos: the dress! I can't believe it's still a bit over a year to go, but I chose one! Last month my mom was visiting so she, Sally (my mother-in-law to be) and a few friends ventured to two bridal salons in SF to try on dresses. I cast a wide-ish net, despite the fact that I had a pretty clear vision (thanks Pinterest) of what I wanted. I wanted to make sure I had no feelings of 'what if' about my dress.

The first appointment was amazing for getting a good idea of what I liked and what looked good on me. This might sound a little conceited--but I looked good in a lot of them. I mean, that's what wedding dresses are supposed to do right, make you look good? So it was gonna be a tough choice no matter what.

At Marina Morrison, our second appointment, I knew what I liked and was on a hunt. Man o man did I find it! When I put on the Liancarlo gown towards the end of the appointment we just had 'that moment' I felt great, the moms got teary. The best part, I didn't want to take it off! I just kept looking at myself (there's that vanity again). Thing is, it was my first trying on ever AND I still had 14 months to go. So I waited.

Zack and I leave for the East Coast in a few weeks and will be gone until July. I thought it would be nice to have the dress finalized before then, so that when we come back we can start planning in earnest and have that big thing ticked off the list. So yesterday I met my girlfriends for some more dress shopping! I had a great time at Glamour Closet--it's all samples you buy off the rack-you get to put little clips on whatever dress you feel like trying on and then just go for it. If you like it, you buy the thing and walk out of the store with it that day. I found a few I liked, but nothing that took my breath away the way the Liancarlo did.

Then we went to Amy Kuschel. She's a local designer and all the dresses are made upstairs from where you try them on. I love this idea. You also get all your fittings and alterations included in the price of the gown-pretty amazing. Couture feel for not couture price. I liked a few of the dresses there, the Kennedy was a gorgeous silouette and the Rita made me feel like 1940s hollywood. I got scared they might beat out my Liancarlo--but I wasn't sure.

Then we went back to Marina Morrison. I put on 3 dresses while there. The first was a new one they'd gotten in since I'd been in April--it was ok, but didn't totally do it for me. The next was the second place dress the last time, and it was pretty hot. Makes me look a little curvy while also elegant, had some bling and nice details. But I didn't feel relaxed in it. Then I put on my dress. And I knew, within 30 seconds of putting it on, without the sash, without the veil, that this was it. I came out and my friends knew too. I think it makes me glow. I can't wait to wear it for Zack.

Nope, I am not putting up pictures--what's the etiquette there anyway? I've shown it to some friends. I mostly don't want it here so that Zack doesn't see it. A little because I don't want it all over pinterest for people to 'steal'...really though-what do I care? Mostly I want him to be surprised. But I also don't know the etiquette/superstition. Are you supposed to keep your dress choice a secret from your guests until they see you? Does it really matter?

Now I have to wait 4 months to get it! And another 8 months after that to wear it!! How will I ever do that? I am also so bad at keeping secrets I don't know how to not tell Z about it--I get so excited and want to share. I told him the name of the designer, and that he is from Miami--Zack decided it must look like a quincenera dress, purple with peacock feathers and sparkles, and poofy. We'll keep it at that. Maybe it'll throw him off ;)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Round 2

As with everything in my life, I am a little inconsistent...even though I thought I would do this more often. Life kind of happened....

Anyway, a few weekends ago we headed south to look at some venues on the Peninsula. I have to say I was so enchanted with Sonoma (partly because we just had such a lovely weekend) and the places we saw there, that my views of the 3 spots we saw were a bit tainted.

However, after picking up my shiny new ring at the Jewelers' Bench--man does it sparkle! I tried to keep an open mind for round 2--so we headed towards Santa Cruz on some windy highways to our first stop, Nestldown. A private Estate 'nestled' in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

I was really hoping to just love this place and solve our numbers woes. Here are some pluses: We'd get the whole estate to ourselves for the weekend, we can have up to 250 people, and there is a BARN--maybe never was a real barn, but it is really cool on the inside, great place for dancing up a storm. There is also a lovely lawn for dinner and a nice little pond outside the barn and next to the lawn. We'd get married in a redwood grove. Which is cool. I love redwoods. But somehow it's just not as enchanting to me as having vineyards and sloping hillsides as the backdrop to our nuptials. So that brings me to downsides: 1) It's not Sonoma--so that means people are headed to Silicon Valley for a weekend. Yes, Los Gatos is a cute town, but it's just such a different feel. 2) There is no 'view'...I really wanted a vista, something that took your breath away and said, "holy cow this is an amazing place to get married, and of course she lives in California now, who wouldn't with views like this?"...yes, it's gorgeous, but it is truly nestled in the mountains so you are down low, not up high. 3) It just doesn't have the same ranch/country chic feel as the places we saw in Sonoma. It's more woodsy. 4) there is a weird 'make believe' cottage with small furniture. Not that that's bad, it's just weird.

Here are photos:

We also stopped at Fogarty Vineyards...TALK ABOUT A VIEW! You can see vineyards, hills, the Bay and on a clear day, all the way to SF. You get married on this nice little lawn and then have dinner in an overgrown, very cool gazebo. Zack wasn't a huge fan, and it has all the downsides of vineyards--no hard alcohol, only their wine. Not to mention dancing has to be inside this building that is kind of eh...


Lastly, we stopped in Woodside at Mountain Terrace. This was the first spot I found that I really liked (online)...when we got there we realized we were practically on top of the highway, a highway that is heavily traveled by bikers, and a place where they stop often since this biker restaurant called Annie's is right across the street. The property was pretty, but now that we've done so much looking, it just wasn't what we wanted. So we didn't even stay for the tour. Maybe that's bad business, but why waste someone's time, right?

So now we have to make some decisions...we tried to see if people on our list would not show up--and didn't get too far. I also feel guilty having moved some people to the B list. So now, here's the plan....we talked a planner in Sonoma who has one more spot to show us, we also realized someone (ahem, perhaps yours truly) did not get back to one place in Napa. So on March 18th, we go for round 3, If that doesn't work out, Nestldown it is. And really, I don't think it's a bad choice. I'm warming up to it. And as Zack's dad said, there is actually a ton to do south--people can go to Carmel, Big Sur, Monterey--that's pretty cool! And, Zack and I have done TONS of hikes through the redwoods, why not get married under them?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

And so it begins...

I love long weekends! For President's weekend we headed up to Sonoma County to begin our search for the perfect place for our wedding (read: PARTY, and special beautiful setting, preferably with a barn).

A few things we realized:
1) Wine country weddings are pricey (duh, this is nothing new, but it became very real in person)
2) I like barns and feel it means myself and my bridesmaids have full rights to wear cowboy boots
3) Our list of invitees needs trimming :(....this is sad. We have 220 people on our list right now, almost all of them are very close friends or family no further than 1st cousins. How does one wrack up that many close humans in 30 years?

To the last point--It seems that most places in Sonoma have funny restrictions, probably due to age old permits that have a cap at 150. The places that have more space are vineyards that make you drink their wine or that feel so ostentatious you could be at Disney....(Ledson). Some are very beautiful (Chateau St. Jean) but just not our style. But this size thing is just such a bummer. Do we really have to sacrifice inviting people that are close to us for the 'perfect' wedding venue? We both went into the weekend feeling like we would not want to do that, but left feeling like we might have to. And then there's that whole attrition question--how many of those 220 people will make the trip to Cali? Will a lot come because it's a great excuse for a vacation, or will many have to say no because it's close to the 4th of July holiday or they just don't have the funds...or, they have some other wedding to go to. We are that age after all.

So here are the pictures. Different albums for the different venues.

Healdsburg Country Gardens is our very favorite, but has a max of 150 (160 if we pay extra).

We thought we could fit 175 at Beltane, but it seems that is not the case.

Kenwood Ranch seemed nice when we first arrived, but we were a bit put off by it's proximity to the highway and the guy trying to sell us stuff.

Annadel was gorgeous and I think it would feel like we were in some kind of mix between Downton Abbey and Down on the Ranch...The problem here: the price tag. To stay within budget, we'd need to be our own florist and hang the lights ourselves....

Stryker was way up in Geyersville--gorgeous, amazing tasting room with a kick ass view and the ability to have dancing in the barrel room. Just not the style we are going for...

Dawn Ranch Lodge--Could I please get married at camp?!?! The property was GORGEOUS, we'd have our choice of where to have our ceremony and reception, we'd have the property all weekend so rehearsal dinner would be a bbq with everyone that's around. There is a private 'beach' right on Russian River. The downside? the cabins are like pool houses and we are not sure it's fair to ask our guests to stay in them for the minimum 2 nights.

So that was our first endeavor....Next weekend we head to the South Bay and Peninsula to see Nestledown, Fogarty Winery and the Mountain Terrace....(oh, and I get my ring back! I can't wait)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ms. Sudow's Getting MARRIED!

Yup, it's true. On December 11, 2011 Zack proposed as we walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. It was awesome. Here's the story...somewhat compressed: He went to DC in early November, under the auspices of visiting our friend Tim, asked Dad at dinner. Dad was of course thrilled not only because Zack few across the country to ask him (in person) but also because he really likes Zack, like, a lot. Then a few weeks later when we were home for Turkey Day, we went out to dinner with Mom. She (inappropriately) wore her mom's engagement ring to dinner and flashed it in our faces....awesome Mom, thanks for bringing up a subject we don't already talk enough about. Insuing argument ends in the idea to try on emerald cut rings to see what we think. And prompts Zack to secretly ask Mom to send the ring across the country...She does, UN-INSURED! yipes.

A few weeks later our friends Zack and Jon ask us if we want to do brunch and hiking in the Presidio, this is totally normal weekend fare for us, so of course, I oblige, only make a lot of excuses about having a ton of work to do and going to Oakland to meet Whitney...strangely that morning Whit cancels on me (something about watching students in a play) and Zack and Jon cancel on us (something about buying a house and Jon frantically printing tax documents). So we venture out on our own, brunch at Liverpool lils complete with bloodies and mimosas, and a stroll in the Presidio. Zack refuses to touch me as we're walking--joking around I assume. But then as soon as we get on the bridge he offers to hold my hand. Something he would NOT do 4 years earlier when we made the same walk before we were dating.

At the first pylon we stop, look at the view, act all lovey dovey. I tell him I love him. He tells me he loves me too, and that's why he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. He gets down on one knee.....I hear nothing else. Commence tears, see the ring, freak out it might fall into the Bay, get confused as to how he has DD's ring in the first place. He asks if I say yes, OF COURSE I DO!

(I would have a nasty cut on my knuckle the day I get engaged...)

Amazing. So here we are, embarking on an adventure to plan a wedding in the Bay Area that will live up to our friends' expectation of what a wedding hosted by Aly and Zack could and should be. now, fundraising blog turned travel blog turned rant of a new teacher, is turning into those wedding blogs people talk about--let's see how it goes.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Year 3, PHEW

Thanks to Mere for inspiring me to start writing again. I've been thinking about it, but clearly since my last post was almost a year ago, I haven't exactly taken the time to do it.

I started this blog to talk about raising money for CF. Then I talked about my crazy travels in India, and THEN it turned into Ms. Sudow's rant because she is a crappy teacher and needs an outlet to deal with the crazy kids (not to mention wanted to maybe someday write a book about all of this). In short, this blog has a bit of ADHD. But that's ok. Year 3 in the teaching adventure and things are starting to look up. So here I go, writing about (hopefully) good things.

I have been trying to describe the difference between this year an the two years that came before. I still have a lot going on, I am still working long hours, but I am not longer totally freaking out about it. Planning takes less time, my lessons make a little more sense, and I can grade 90 quizzes in just under and hour. PHEW.

Funny things happen in my classroom. It's been pretty hot in Hayward. I have AC, but I try to use it sparingly since our school doesn't have a ton of money and I hate being cold. So do the girls in their little tank tops and short shorts. I turned it off one day and 20 minutes later I was warm. "See, now I'm hot" I say....queue the funny chubby kid with diamond studs in his ears "Ms. Sudow, it's hot because I'm in here." delivered with the perfect comedic timing. The entire class cracked up. Amazing.

I will think of more later. But for now, I am going to try to be back to this blogging thing.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Princess La La or some other nonesense

Freshman are squirmy balls of insecure goo, pushing limits and getting really sad/offended when they are called out on it. And maybe, just maybe, I enjoy calling them out on it. Maybe that's what makes a freshman teacher a freshman teacher.

I had 1 student who, when she joined my class, told me that while on my roster her name was Raven Smith (name changed of course), she preferred I call her Princess Nhai Nhai.

I'm sorry what?

Now, it's not 1, but 3, yes 3 girls in that class who feel they are royalty. There is Princess Ro Ro and to top them all off, Queen Shante. The only way to make them stop this nonsense is a) to make them embarrassed that they think people should call them royalty and b) to not grade papers that come in with their names or c) all of the above. Nope, I do not know a Princess RoRo, that paper gets a 0, since I wouldn't know where to put the scores in the gradebook anyway. I only grade papers with real names on them.

I do realize that this royalty complex probably stems from some major insecurity, and perhaps I should not be quite so harsh. But for now it just really pisses me off and I am going to continue calling it silly and refusing to acknowledge said "names." Not even La-A was a Princess La La.