Friday, August 28, 2009

End Week 2 Throwup and lemonade

We have rules in this school, but you would never know it from the way the kids behave. And yes I call them young adults, but they certainly do not act like it.

3rd period, my honors class. Can't get them to pay attention for the life of me. Bell rings and they are rushing out the door, I hear out of the corner of my ear "Shondria threw up" I think they are joking, but then I look, there it is brown liquid on the floor of my classroom...I ask if she's really sick or if she just choked on her diet dr. pepper (note, maybe you shouldn't drink 3 sodas a day and you wouldn't be so sick).

There is throw up on my floor, the classroom is a mess, I need to get ready for the next class to come in. So I call Mr. Surls the head custodian, no answer. I call Ms. Bedell, the woman that sits in the front of Principal Lang's office, no answer. I go out in the hall to get my kids to come in and get to work, realize I don't have a bell ringer to get them to get to work on, I tell Eric who is flirting with some girl in the hall to get into class. She has a lemonade in her hand, she basically dumps it on Eric, the hall, and me. Then RUNS down the hall, away from getting in trouble, and cleaning up after herself. Eric comes into my classroom and makes a stink about how his shirt is wet. I call again. This time Principal Lang answers, I bark, not realizing it's my boss--'There is throwup on my floor and lemonade in the hall'...He reassures me someone will come clean it up. The kids are not pleased, to say the least.

Fast forward to quiz review before we take our quiz today (still in 4th period). I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow Brittney lost part of her weave. Eric (yes, the same Eric who provoked the lemonade fight), took the piece of hair, put it on his head and starts posing for the camera that Shatequa just happened to have handy. The entire class thinks this is hysterical and could care less about polynomial long division.

That was my friday afternoon. How was yours?

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