Monday, September 14, 2009

Babies and a GED

2fer tonight because I had two different things to talk about.

Fast forward to 4th period. One of my girls, Jai (Again changing names) has a three month old baby. He was sick two weeks ago and she was out almost the whole week. But she tried--she came in and picked up work one day, she grabbed everything she missed when she came back.

The first time she missed class because she couldn't get a sitter I asked her where she was, that's how I found out about her son. We talked about how she needed to keep coming to school and graduate so she can provide for herself, she said, "yes, and for him." Amazing. Thank you Jai. Thank you for caring and for valuing education.

I now give her a unit plan and make sure she knows what she'll miss if she ever needs to stay home for him.

Today I asked about him. How he was feeling because I want to build a relationship with her, and because I genuinely care. She said she was having trouble finding people to watch him. She mentioned something that was supposed to happen that wasn't and time was running out. I am not sure what it was, but she said if it didn't, she would have to quit school.

Jai and I haven't built and amazing relationship, but she's fun, she works and she asks lots of questions. She's funny about what she doesn't get, and often doesn't want to know why if she can just figure out the how, and she's not shy about telling you. She's also been helping a ton in class by tutoring some of the others that are behind, and not to mention modeling the kind of participation I would love from all of my students.

Also, I know how important and high school degree is for all my students, but for her in particular. She already has a hurdle, and a big one, having to take care of a baby. If she doesn't get this degree she is going to have trouble getting a job that will allow her to support him in a relatively comfortable way.

There we were in the hallway and she told me I might lose her. I almost cried. I think my eyes watered up. That she might have to sacrifice her education because she has a child to take care of and not enough help.

I told her she could always call me, that I would help if she ever needed it. She knows she would do homeschooling or get a GED. I am so glad she has those strong opinions about getting her degree, and the drive and motivation to do it.

I would still be sad to lose Jai. I would be sad for both of us. I want her to graduate, I want her to succeed, and I want to be one of the people that helps her get there.

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